Saturday, December 19, 2009

Best of Europe

Hey All!  Scott and I just wanted to check in and let you know what we've been up to since we've been back in the good ole US.  Though traveling in Europe was amazing, one thing we both agree upon is that there is no place like home.  It's really been great to be back with our family and friends.  I spent a few weeks in Missouri and enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree with all 10 of my nieces and nephews at Gram's house (Gram is my mom), watching my nephews wrestle, and also went to a Christmas party at my dad's special lady friend, Shirley's, house.  Scott's been in Charlotte with his family but I'm not really sure what he's been doing.  Okay, that's not true.  He did make a cool video clip from our trip you can check out on you tube at

I'm currently in Charlotte, NC visiting Scott and his family.  I got here on Thursday (12/10), just in time for the 'Most Ridiculous Michael Jackson Christmas Party' hosted by Becca and Jason.  I think a good time was had by all and for the record it was quite ridiculous! And we have the pictures to prove it! 

Tomorrow I fly back to Missouri and on Monday Scott will also come to Missouri to visit my family through Christmas Eve.  Then we are off to Portland, Maine on Christmas Day to meet up with Scott's family.  Julie's fiancee, Jeremy, is from Maine so we are going to be joining him and his family for what we hope to be a white Christmas. 

So now for the fun part.  Scott and I have had a chance to reflect on our Europe trip and have come up with a variety of categories of our favorite things which we'd like to share with you...

The Best of Europe by Brooke and Scott:

Favorite Church:  St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City (close behind was Il Duomo in Milan)
Favorite Castle: Blarney Castle in Ireland
Favorite Museum:  The Louvre in Paris
Favorite Meal: Brooke- 'Munich Meal' of pork with a mushroom cream sauce and spatzel.
                       Scott- 'Hungarian Meal' of pork gristle (actually it was taken off of Brooke's plate from her meal) 

Favorite overall type of food:  Italian
Favorite Beer:  Guinness
Favorite Wine:  Chianti
Favorite Bar:  Szimpla Kert in Budapest
Favorite Haircut: Tie between Hungarian Haircut and My Big Fat Greek Haircut (c'mon neither of us plan to ever get those haircuts again..they were both real bad)
Favorite Mode of Transportation: Train (the ferry to Greece was also awesome, but taking the train in Europe is the best way to get around)
Favorite Train Ride:  Milan to Munich (through the Alps...simply amazing!)
Favorite Site: Eiffel Tower
Favorite Sunset: Santorini, Greece
Favorite Event: Oktoberfest in Munich
Favorite Day Excursion: Tuscany Tour
Favorite Architecture style of a city: Prague
Favorite Language to hear: German
Favorite 'Discovery' (means a place/site we sort of just found): The Old Head of Kinsale in Ireland (see blog entry from Ireland)
Favorite Hostel/Guesthouse: The boat in Amsterdam (we found it on
Favorite Hotel/Resort: Santorini, Greece (going in the off season = more affordable)

Top 5 Favorite Cities (this was really tough to decide):
- Barcelona
- Salzburg
- Prague
- Amsterdam
- Paris

Top 5 Favorite Scenic Places:
- Santorini, Greece
- Dingle Peninsula/Kerry, Ireland
- Salzburg, Austria (includes the Alps)
- Venice, Italy
- Nice and Monaco, France

We hope you enjoyed our favorites from Europe!  There will be more from us once we start traveling again, which will likely be the end of January/beginning of February.  Our destination is South America for about 1 month.  We will have a chance to visit our good friends Vicente and Lora in Santiago, Chile while we are down there so we are really looking forward to this trip and it also doesn't hurt that it will be summertime :)!

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Safe travels wherever you may be visiting for the holidays.  Take care and know that we love you all!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Big Fat Greek Haircut!!!

First things first.  Greece is an absolutely beautiful place.  I'd recommend anyone to go there for sure.  We decided that the plan for our visit to Greece was to stay in Athens for a few days and then go to one of the islands.  We arrived in Athens after our long ferry ride and made our way to the hotel.  We stayed in the main touristy area where there are tons of shops and restaurants.  We also had a view of the Acropolis from the street we were staying on.  It's such a nice view at night when it is all lit up on the cliff overlooking the city.  We spent an afternoon walking up to the Acropolis and taking in the beautiful views.  We walked through the flea markets and found cheap DVD's that we think are probably bootleg.  Of course we had a few Greek salads, gyros, olives, feta, and kebabs.  I did some shopping and also decided it was time to get a haircut.  I found a salon around the corner from our hotel and made an appointment.  I had no idea what I was in for.  The male hairdresser walked up to the chair to begin the haircut.  He then strapped on a tool belt of haircut cutlery.  Oh man, he meant business.  I started to describe the kind of haircut I wanted and he looked at me and said that an explanantion wouldn't be necessary.  Then he asked if he could cut bangs and I told him that was okay as long as they weren't too drastic. He laughed and said 'yeah right, not too drastic.' Then I told him I wanted some length taken off and he asked about layering my hair.  I told him that was fine too.  He seemed to understand English well enough.  He started cutting my hair.  Then he kept cutting my hair...more specifically the top of my head.  He also asked me my zodiac sign and also told me I would miss him when he is gone.  Anyway, after all the cutting, styling, and chit chat he was finally done. I had drastic bangs, more layers and he didn't take any length off the back.  I let out a snorty laugh when I looked at myself in the mirror.  I thought of how Scott might react to this and came to the conclusion he would think I looked like either a lion or Joan Jett.  Here's a picture about 4 days after...I think its more Joan Jett. Votes are encouraged...let me know what you think! 

"I Love Rock-N-Roll"

So life went on after that traumatic experience.  I tried to avoid going out in public but that wasn't possible.  That same day we had planned to leave Athens and take the ferry to Santorini Island.  The goal of going to the island was simply to relax and enjoy the amazing views of an amazing place...and we did exactly that!  Santorini was formerly called Thira.  In 1500 B.C. there was a volcano that erupted which is how Santorini was formed.  There is an island off the coast of Santorini where the volcano sits (pic to right).  We decided to splurge and stay in more of a resort type place since it is the low season now and you can find good deals on the resorts. 

We found a villa near the capital city, Fira, that had its own private pool and view of the ocean including the volcano.  We arrived at 1:30 am and our villa host picked us up at the port.  There was a huge rainstorm that first night and our villa flooded with an inch of water on both the upstairs and downstairs floors.  We inquired about getting a different villa and as it turns out the only other villa available was an upgrade to a room with a jacuzzi bathtub, outside hot tub, and private pool as well as the beautiful ocean view.  We were thrilled!  The temperature wasn't warm enough to swim, but warm enough (in the 70s)  for me to lay out one afternoon and soak up some sun.  The villa also had a kitchenette so we could cook our meals and relax at our place.  We saw the most amazing sunset (see pics below) the second night we were there.  One afternoon we rented a car and drove around the island.  We went up to the highest point on Santorini and to another town, Oia, where there were more beautiful ocean views.  We really enjoyed just hanging out and relaxing and also watching our bootleg DVD's!

Views from our villa


View to the right from our villa

View to the left from our villa

Fira cliffs

Oia Cliffs

                                          Boys afternoon fishing

Sunset in Fira down on the water

We are now back in Amsterdam, making a stop here on our journey back to the states.  We leave on Wednesday (11/18) and fly through Dublin on our way to Boston.  Scott and I plan to stay through the weekend then head to see our families in Missouri and North Carolina.  Thanks for joining us on our European adventure!  Stay tuned for a 'Best of' blog and a compilation of the 'Things we've learned'. 

Things we've learned:

- Greek people seem angry all the time, which doesn't make sense since they live surrounded by such beauty
- There are a lot more street peddlers in Greece than we expected (including selling DVD's, flowers, flashlights, etc.)
- Don't get a haircut in Greece or any place where the hairdresser doesn't understand English very well
- Going to Greece in the off season isn't so bad.  You avoid the crowds and can find deals on resorts! The total cost of the villa we stayed in for 5 nights during low season cost about 1/2 as much as one night would have cost us during the high season!
- Greek television programs and movies are awful!
- Brooke in Greek is Brok.
- In Greece, November 8th is the name day for Michael (Scott's first name), the Archangel  Churches and towns organize festivals to celebrate.  People also go to visit everyone in their town named Michael to celebrate their name.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Strawn, Waybright, Hough Invasion!!!

We’re back!!! Okay, it’s really been a while this time. We’ve been getting requests for blog updates so here goes…please beware this one’s gonna be a long one!

Let’s see…we left off on our way to Paris to meet up with Scott’s family. We arrived in Paris a couple of days before they did, so we spent time seeing a few sites though we tried to hold off for most of them for when his family got there.  We spent an afternoon in Versailles seeing grand palace of Louis the XIV. He really loved to spend money. The palace and surrounding gardens were quite elaborate. There were also probably about 500 pictures and sculptures of good ole Louis throughout the palace and exhibits. We think Louis really liked himself.

Not bad for a back yard

Mike, Diane, Becca, Jason, Julie, and Jeremy all arrived early on Friday the 23rd of October and we met up with them at the hotel. What an awesome reunion! It’s amazing how nice it feels to see familiar faces when you’ve been in a foreign place for so long! We visited the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre (check out Mona‘s pic), Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees, and Sacre Coeur Basilica. I must say that upon first walking up to the Eiffel Tower I got teary-eyed. I was absolutely moved and amazed by how impressive a structure it truly is. Seeing it at night was absolutely gorgeous.

Julie, Jeremy, Scott, and Brooke at the Louvre

We left Paris the following evening and went to Nice in southern France. What a lovely little beach town! We hiked up some cliffs and saw great views of the ocean and mountains surrounding Nice (see pic on the right). We enjoyed brunch at a beach side restaurant, walked through the local farmer’s market and then hopped on a train to Monte Carlo (Monaco - or some people also liked to call it Morocco…haha!). 

Once again, another amazing town. And the boats….or actually yachts were out of control. As were the cars. We saw several Ferari’s driving around. You can tell there is a lot of money in that town. We walked around and ventured up a cliff overlooking the city where there was a castle and the royal palace. We visited the church where Princess Grace Kelly was married and buried, had a delicious dinner and after that…we hit the casinos! Unfortunately this didn’t go quite as Scott had envisioned from the movie Casino Royale. The first casino we went into you actually had to pay 10 euros to enter to play the tables. That meant we all turned around and walked back out. Seriously, who really pays to enter a casino to play???!!! We found another casino that you didn’t have to pay to play so went in to do a little gambling. I won 11 euros on the slot machines (Wheel of Fortune)! I think Julie won about 75 euros on Roulette and Jason was the big winner and came out with 180 euros also on Roulette. Scott also played Roulette. That’s all I’m going to say about that. After that, we left ‘Morocco’ and went back to Nice.

All aboard!!! The following afternoon we all went by train to Milan, where we stayed for 3 nights. The purpose of staying in Milan was more or less to have a central location to go back to in the evenings and just do day trip excursions. That way we wouldn’t change hotels every night and have to take our luggage all over the place. Our first night in Milan we took everyone to see Il Duomo (see Milan blog from September) and have dinner. This was the night Scott ordered a horse sandwich, which actually tasted pretty good. On Tuesday morning (the 27th) we got up early and took the train to Lake Como. We found a great deal on a small ferry boat ticket Como that was good for the entire day and would take us to different little towns along the lake. You could hop on and hop off whenever you wanted. We got on the boat and hopped off and walked around a quaint little town called Cernobbio and then grabbed lunch near the water.  What’s so nice about meals in general in France, Italy (really anywhere in Europe) is you can just take your time and relax. People really enjoy their meals and there’s no rush about it. We went to a few more towns along the lake and then we took the train back to Milan in the evening. Not bad for a day trip excursion.

Chernobbio on Lake Como

Becca enjoying whipped cream with her hot cocoa!

Sunset over Lake Como

We had dinner back in Milan at a great restaurant not too far from our hotel. We enjoyed some great Italian food and wine. I ended up with a very unique seafood pasta . It came out covered with a crust/dough over a big bowl and inside was the spaghetti and seafood which included mussels, clams, shrimp, and octopus (see picture). Everyone else seemed pretty happy with their meals as well…nobody went hungry!

The next day Julie and Jeremy said their goodbyes to everyone. Jeremy is currently enrolled in the Duke MBA program that includes course studies abroad and he was required to be in Dubai for the beginning of November. That also meant that Jeremy had to study quite a bit on the trip. (See pic of Jeremy at the Arc de Triomphe) Though we were sad to see them go, we were excited about their Dubai adventure and can’t wait to hear about that experience.

Mike, Diane, Becca, Jason, Scott, and I continued on and went on another day trip excursion, this time Venice. Wow! Another charming city. We were all quite impressed with the beauty of this city and it wasn‘t as dirty as we had heard it was. It truly is unique that the main means of transportation is by water taxis, boats, gondolas, etc. that venture throughout the canals. We did take a boat ride in the afternoon…we couldn’t resist.  We also walked through the town and it’s small streets and brick roads make it very quaint. It was actually more like walking through a maze of streets. We enjoyed lunch, shopping, and indulging in delicious deserts and treats. We returned to Milan that afternoon and had dinner in the evening.

Our Venice boat!

On Thursday morning, we packed up our stuff for a new destination, Florence. We stayed in a beautiful hotel outside of the city, with great views of vineyards and fall foliage. That first afternoon we walked around the town, visited Il Duomo, and had dinner. Scott and I had found a cafĂ© with WiFi to get on-line. As we were sitting there, a table was set up with all sorts of appetizer type foods.  A really cool thing we discovered about restaurants in Italy is that many of them will offer appetizer type foods for free as long as you buy any type of drink. This place had quite a spread of food and you can go back and fill up as many plates as you want! So that was our dinner that night. On Friday we splurged and went on a Tuscany bus tour. We had the most perfect fall day for the outing. We visited the Tuscan area called Chianti and the tour included a wine and olive oil tasting at a castle, stops in 2 other Tuscan towns (Greve & Castlellano), and dinner at an Italian restaurant. Tuscany is absolutely beautiful with rolling hills and vineyards and the foliage was also amazing.


View of Chianti from the castle

Barrel of wine...glug, glug Diane!

On Saturday, our last day with the fam, Scott and I went with Mike and Diane for another day excursion to Siena. It is another Tuscany town we wanted to visit. We had lunch in the area that is the sight of where they have 2 horse races per year. The race takes place in the middle of town in a plaza (piazza) that is circular (see pic on right). The race consists of the horses doing only one lap and only 10 out 17 Tuscany areas/counties get to enter a horse. Apparently the object is to win any way that you can and there doesn’t have to be a rider on the horse at the end of the race. This can mean throwing rocks/objects at other horses/riders to injure them, pushing another rider off their horse, etc. The rule is  that there really are no rules. That evening we had dinner in Florence and said farewells to Mike, Diane, Becca, and Jason. They had an early flight to catch to get to London and then on to Charlotte. We really enjoyed our time spent with everyone and look forward to seeing ya’ll during the holidays. Thank you for an awesome time! 

Scott, Brooke, Jason, Becca, Julie, Jeremy, Diane, and Mike at Lake Como

Scott and I checked out of the hotel and decided to stay another 2 nights in Florence to try and plan out some more of our trip. We stayed in a hostel in the city until Tuesday (11/3). We decided we wanted to go to Greece (Becca and Jason may have had some influence on that…thanks ya’ll!)  So now we are in Greece and let me say that getting here was quite an adventure. When we left from Florence, we took the train to Rome and stopped for about 4 hours and managed to visit St. Peter's Basilica, ride a tour bus, and have lunch. From Rome we took a train to Bari that took about 4 hours. Bari is the port city where we caught a huge ferry to get us to Greece. The ferry ride was only 15 hours long! We left at 8pm and arrived at 12:30pm the next day in a town called Patras. The ferry was a very cool experience. It had a lounge/cafe, restaurant, casino (slots), sleeping areas, cabins, TV’s. We were able to keep ourselves occupied and even able to get some sleep. In the morning as we were getting closer to Greece we passed by several islands so the scenery was amazing. From Patras we had to take another train to get to Athens. This train left around 3pm and arrived in Athens around 7pm. Nothing like 2 full days of travel to get to paradise! We will post more about Greece later. We aren’t really sure how long we will be here. We do know that at this point we plan to be in Europe until around the 18th/19th of November. We will go back to the US for the holidays and spend time with our family and friends.

Special birthday wishes go out to my nephew, Gavin, who turned 4 today!  Happy Birthday buddy!!!

Things we’ve learned:

- Ask the price of a beer before you order one in Paris. Scott walked into a restaurant to use the restroom and was told he needed to order something. We ordered 2 regular sized beers…big mistake. The cost for those 2 beers was 18 Euros or ~$28.
- On Friday nights at the Eiffel Tower they light it up with crazy colored lights and its coordinated with music so the lights change with the beat. Quite the dance party!!!
- At the casinos in Monte Carlo, the men don’t really dress up in tuxedos to gamble like in Casino Royale.
- George Clooney has a house on Lake Como.
- Venice is actually cleaner than we thought it would be and the water is not as dirty as we had expected.
- You can easily walk faster than the tour buses in Rome.
- Extra virgin olive oil is between 0.2 and 0.8 acidity and regular virgin olive oil is 0.8-2.0 in acidity.
- Chianti wines that have a black rooster on the label means it comes from the original Chianti area of Tuscany.
- In Florence you can’t count on the city buses to run on time…boy did we spend some time waiting at the bus stop!
- It’s great to see family no matter where you are in the world! We miss ya'll already!

More pics...


    Sacre Coeur Basilica

Notre Dame

Julie and Jeremy at the Eiffel Tower

       Flat Stanley with Scott and Brooke at the Arc de Triomphe

Flat Stanley at the Eiffel Tower on crazy night light!


Becca and Jason in Nice with the Alps in the distance

In Nice

On top the castle in Monte Carlo


Wooden boats on Lake Como

Mike and Diane at Lake Como

Gondola's in Venice

Flat Stanley in Venice


Beautiful view of Florence along the river

Il Duomo in Florence 
Greve town square in Tuscany

View from hotel room in Florence