Friday, September 11, 2009

Dublin to Waterford

Brooke and I arrived in Dublin at 7am on Thursday.  We picked up our rental car and drove into the city to the Temple Bar neighborhood where our hostel was.  This all took about 4 1/2 hours!  We probably could have walked from the airport faster than driving.  This merited a beer...or 12.  Naturally, Guinness was our beer of choice.  They were so happy to see us that they gave them to us for free.  Next, we grabbed lunch and headed over to the Guinness brewery.  The top of the brewery overlooked Dublin so we got to see great views of the city.  In the evening we went to the bar that was connected to our hostel to listen to traditional irish music.  It was fantastic!

Today we headed south from Dublin to Kilkenny.  We stopped to see the Kilkenny Castle and walk around the town.  I think Brooke commented on how beautiful and green Ireland is at least 15 times.  Now we are in Waterford for the night.  Our agenda for the rest of our time in Dublin is as follows:
9/12-9/14 - Cork/Kinsale
9/14-9/16 - Killarney/Kerry/Dingle
9/16-9/18- Galway
9/18 - Back to Dublin and fly to Barcelona

Things we've learned so far:
 - Guinness is 250 years old
 - Driving on the opposite side of the road isn't as difficult as I thought it would be
 - Ireland is very green
 - The lease on the Guinness brewery only costs 45 pounds and it is good for the next 8,750 years
 - Irish folks like Elvis and Johnny Cash 

Brooke would like to send out birthday wishes to her niece, Ivy, who turned 7 years old today.  (Kool Aid Man sends birthday wishes, too.)


  1. this is so great! I love seeing about your trip! Wish I could be there. I hear Ireland is very green!!!!

  2. Hey Brooke! Is that a Guinness or a glass of motor oil you are holding? :) That shtuff is shtrong, ishn't it? heh..heh...

  3. I'm not kidding, Ireland is VERY Green!! haha! Guinness is strong stuff. I can really only handle 1 then I have to switch to something lighter!
