Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm on a Boat!!!

We had much fun in Amsterdam!  We arrived around 6pm on Saturday evening and had made arrangements to stay on a houseboat.  So yes...we're on a boat!  Since Amsterdam is a city on the water with many canals we felt it appropriate to stay on the water.  Pretty cool to stay somewhere different like this.  We actually ended up having the place to ourselves for a couple of days and enjoyed cooking and having our 'own place'.  Anyway, upon arrival we were hungry so decided to go find a fondue restaurant we had read about.  Interestingly enough, as we ventured into the city looking for this restaurant we stumbled upon the infamous 'Red Light District' neighborhood first thing. Just like that. (See pic below)

We walked around for a bit after we ate and then headed back to the boat.  To get back to the boat, Scott and I took public transportation called the Tram.  It's more or less an above the ground subway system. Scott and I came up with a song we'd like to share with you about the Tram in Amsterdam.  Actually, who am I kidding?!  This is actually my song.  Scott had nothing to do with it.  Here's how it goes:
''Oh yes the Tram, Oh yes the Tram
In Amsterdam, In Amsterdam
Moves like a Ram, Moves like a Ram"

And by 'moves like a ram', I actually mean that the Tram moves like a roller coaster.  I seriously felt like I was on the Screamin' Eagle at Six Flags when we were on the Tram.  It would jerk you around and go about 50 mph!  One afternoon we decided to just ride the Tram for about an hour, just for roller coaster fun and to see different parts of the city.  We did take in some other sites by taking a canal tour and also visited the Anne Frank House.  We arrived in Paris today and are spending a couple of days here before Scott's family joins us on Friday.  We are really looking forward to seeing them.  We will be going to Nice on Saturday, then to Italy on Monday.

Flat Stanley on the Canal Cruise.

Things we've learned:
- It's hip to hang out at the city library in Amsterdam.
- There is more space for bicyclers to bike in Amsterdam than there is for pedestrians to walk.  They are some serious bicycling machines in Amsterdam.  Everyone REALLY rides a bike here (more so than Salzburg).
- There are 2,500 houseboats in Amsterdam which is also the maximum amount allowed.
- You don't have to be good looking to be working in the Red Light District (I was seriously scared!)
- Trying to find a 'regular' DVD is almost impossible in Amsterdam.

Bicycle garage

Canal pic in the Red Light District

Beautiful architecture and many houseboats.

View of city from the Central Train Station


  1. Yep the tram is a fun ride!! BEEN there and then it will go to sleep if you stay too long at the coffee shop!! We would love to have you in PIT... by the way your song ROCKS! love you!

  2. Are you still on that freakin' boat or what? How about a new post!!!

  3. Not on the boat post to come soon! We've been on the move! Katy, I thought you'd like my song! Haha!

  4. Ok you are wayyyyyy behind. I happen to know how many beautiful places you have seen that you have not posted !!!!! In fact you have been on lots of other boats. Time to catch up. How is Greece???? MOM(Scott's)

  5. I had the new ost ready on Sunday but the internet was knocked out by a big storm at our place in greece. We just got it back today. Greece is amazing!
